About our Collections

Find out more about the vast collection of items we hold.

Search our Collections

Find what you are looking for with our online and offline services.

Online exhibitions

Get immersed in the stories behind our Collections from the comfort of your home.

Picture Library

Our Picture Library is one of the world's finest collections of photography and artworks, recording over 200 years of travel, people, place and geographical discovery.

Visit the Foyle Reading Room

Plan a visit to the Foyle Reading Room to consult and research items in our Collections.

Support the Collections

Support our Collections by buying prints, donating items or becoming a member of the Society.

Research on the Collections

We actively support and enable research on the Society's Collections and welcome approaches for new collaborations and partnerships.

Wiley Digital Archive

A digitisation project enabling hundreds of thousands of items from our Collections to be digitised, allowing access to wider audiences in order to support teaching and learning.

Supporting our Collections

Our Collections are supported by Rolex.