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Initial Teacher Training (ITT) market review

The Society does not wish to see geography’s positive progress constrained by additional stress placed on the supply of new geography teachers. It is for this reason that the Society cannot support the current recommendations with respect to the proposals for the accreditation and reaccreditation of courses and the recommended timescale.

Fulfilling our potential: teaching excellence, social mobility and student choice

We caution that TEF metrics must appropriately recognise issues around equality and access, and should be better defined and communicated. We support the focus on teaching quality

Independent Rose Review of Primary Curriculum

Our response to the review of the curriculum advocates for the explicit inclusion of geography in named areas of understanding, and of geographical knowledge in the curriculum.

Review of the ESRC Doctoral Training Centres Network

Our response evaluates the existing network, and advocates for fieldwork and interdisciplinarity in future developments. We also highlight a lack of flexibility in 1+3 studentships.