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Earth Photo 2020 winners announced

Jonk has won the 2020 Earth Photo competition for his stunning series Coffee Shop, Abkhazia; Hotel, Portugal; Swimming Pool, Italy and Theater, Abkhazia, which depict abandoned spaces reclaimed by nature.

Explore 2019 – weekend highlights

Last weekend, the Society welcomed over 350 enthusiastic and dedicated delegates, speakers and exhibitors to Explore 2019.

Economic growth

Will the recent financial crisis and the downturn in the global economy change the shape of capitalism as we know it today and how has the UK been impacted?

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2021: interview with Jenty Kirsch-Wood

To celebrate IDDRR 2021, the Disaster RIsk Management PPG spoke to Jenty Kirsch-Wood, Head of Global Risk Management and Reporting at the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, about disaster risk management and what geographers can bring to the discipline.