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Expedition grants

Our independent travel grants support challenging and inspiring geographical journeys and expeditions all over the world.

Research grants

We support a range of field and desk-based research projects, from established researchers undertaking cutting edge fieldwork to early career academics working on smaller projects.

Student grants

Every year we support over 40 student fieldwork projects, from PhD students collecting data for their dissertation to groups of undergraduates looking to get out into the field for the first time.

Teacher grants

The Society supports innovation in teaching geography at secondary and higher education level.

Projects supported

Projects we support cover a range of geographical topics, from volcano monitoring, to adaptations to climate change, to farmers' rights issues.

Frequently asked questions

Have a question about our grant schemes? You may find the answer here.

Grants programme supporters

We have a range of donors who have supported the grants programme this year, and in past years.

Grants reviewers

The support of the expert screeners who review for our grants programme allows us to support upwards of 70 research and fieldwork projects per year.