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Congratulations to the 17 Society Fellows who were recently awarded Chartered Geographer status by Council. Over 1,000 Chartered Geographers have now been accredited.

Harvesting water in dryland areas: Transferring technologies between Rajasthan and the Maasai of Kajiado, Kenya - Dr Kevin Cook

WaterHarvest is a UK based charity that has been working in India for over 30 years. This lecture will examine the opportunities for two-way technology transfer between Rajasthan and Kenya. 

You are probably doing more CPD than you realise

CPD is not just about attending conferences or completing training courses. There is a wealth of opportunities to draw upon – and offer to others - across your professional life.

Mapping the value of nature

The Co$ting Nature policy support tool helps to map the relative value provided to humanity by protected areas and other ecosystems.