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Research Group grants awarded

Every year we support the Society’s 31 Research and Working Groups through the Research Groups grants scheme, and we are delighted to be supporting a range of activities over the coming year.

School resources in partnership with ERM commended

We are delighted to announce that our river and coastal fieldwork resources were commended at the 2019 Scottish Association of Geography Teachers Annual Conference Publishers’ Awards.

Our Planet: in the hands of young people

Prior to his lecture at the University of Cumbria later this month, we caught up with Education Manager for Our Planet and a member of the Education Leadership Group for the WWF Global Network, Matt Larsen-Daw, to discuss his highlights of working on the series and the challenges for reaching a sustainable future.

AC2020: call for sessions, papers and posters

Our next Annual International Conference will be held at the Society in London from Tuesday 1 to Friday 4 September 2020, and the call for sessions, papers and posters is now open.