Research Excellence Framework Review

A call for evidence on the REF as part of Lord Stern's independent review. Our response stresses that current metrics, and definitions of output and impact, do not adequately assess research, particularly in interdisciplinary contexts.

Geospatial Commission: Call For Evidence

Our evidence to the Cabinet Office focuses on the role of geography in delivering geospatial and broader geographical skills. We highlight a need to support subject specialist staff and relevant GI training in schools and HE.

Review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 in England

Our response to this DfE consultation argues for pathway to support sectors and industries working with geospatial data, and supports funding for core maths and the Access to HE Diploma.

The Draft Education Inspection Framework

We strongly support the introduction of a ‘quality of education’ judgement and the publication of Ofsted subject reviews. We also comment on the wording of Intent, Implementation and Impact statements.