Guidance on the Implementation of Plan S

We welcome proposals that facilitate fair, inclusive and transparent knowledge production, but urge more consideration of uneven impact on disciplines and advocate for hybrid journals, green open access and embargoes.

Higher Education in STEM subjects

A call for evidence on higher education in STEM subjects, particularly the supply of students. Our response reiterates that geography is a part-STEM subject which offers

Society Publishers Accelerating Open Access and Plan S (SPA-OPS)

We reaffirm our commitment to a transition towards a sustainable open science/research ecosystem and offer reflections on the various open access models and business plans discussed in the consultation document. 

Reformed GCSE subject content consultation

Our response welcomes a clearer progression in content and framework from Key Stage 1 - 3 to GCSE. We also suggest formalising requirements for quantitative skills in geography, and the use of short annual fieldwork returns.