Other Microlectures

Race for the future – James Levelle

Award-winning filmmaker, James Levelle, shares stories from his 9,000-mile emission-free odyssey from the UK to Chile to champion young voices in the climate crisis, and what he’s learned from his brand-new next generation relay race overland and sea from Glasgow to the UN Climate Conference in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt.

No place like home - Professor Joe Smith

Humanity’s tenure on Earth has had very far-reaching consequences. Joe charts the past, present and future of environmental ideas and actions to help find a way through these difficult times.

A new Arctic in the making - Professor Klaus Dodds

The Arctic is changing. But how and where is it changing, and why does it matter to those who call it home and those who don't?

Human Cognition – developments in navigation – Jeremy Morley and Professor Kate Jeffrey

Recent neuroscience research has explored how the brain represents details of places and navigation – but how is that linked to how we navigate in the real world?