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Reform of the National Curriculum in England

A consultation on proposed changes to the National Curriculum. Our response comments on proposed changes, welcomes some aspects of the curriculum, and advocates for parity with history

Science and Society

Our response to the follow-up consultation on "A Vision for Science and Society" by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (now Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy). Our response argues that geography should be recognised more widely as a part-STEM discipline.

Teaching Excellence Framework Technical Consultation

Our response to the BEIS consultation on TEF emphasises the importance and interconnection of teaching and research and supports the use of qualitative metrics for a more effective TEF.

Representation in advance of the 18 July 2015 Budget

Our representation for the 2015 budget advocates for social science funding, highlights the role of geography, and supports the recommendations of the AcSS ‘Business of People’ report that call for real-terms increases and ring-fencing of the Science budget