Other Microlectures

The Great Barrier Reef expedition 1928-1929: birth of modern coral reef science

Hear from Professor Tom Spencer, Professor Barbara Brown and Dr Sarah Hamylton on the world’s first major expedition on a coral reef, which engaged with themes that resonate with today’s geographers: underwater adventure, gender equality, climate change and a scientific legacy that lives on.

What makes a 'successful rural community'? - David Jackman

What makes a successful rural community? How can community be developed? How can success be measured?

What fate for Antarctica? - Dr Tamsin Edwards

Greenland and Antarctica are distant, unfamiliar places. We hear of giant icebergs breaking away, glaciers crumbling: but how much we do know about the fate of these great ice sheets?

The Discovery of HMS Erebus - Ryan Harris

In 2014, Canadian underwater archaeologists located the remains of HMS Erebus, Sir John Franklin’s vessel on his ill-fated 1845 expedition. Ryan Harris will present the discovery and investigation of this compelling shipwreck.