Reform of higher education research assessment and funding

Our response to this Department for Education and Skills (now-DfE) consultation evaluates the meaning and role of metrics in RAE2008 assessments

Research Excellence Framework Review

A call for evidence on the REF as part of Lord Stern's independent review. Our response stresses that current metrics, and definitions of output and impact, do not adequately assess research, particularly in interdisciplinary contexts.

Proposed changes to the assessment of GCSEs, AS and A levels in 2022

Our response to this consultation rejects the proposals on the basis that they would introduce inequality into the assessment of GCSE geography in 2022.

All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) Inquiry on Africa and its diaspora in the UK School Curricula

Our response stresses that geography makes a distinctive and important contribution to learning about Africa and its diaspora in relation to teaching pupils about their contemporary and geographically diverse nature.