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Secondary School Accountability Consultation

Our response expresses concern that the "measure of 8" perfomance measure within the EBacc does not necessarily include a humanities subject

Society Publishers Accelerating Open Access and Plan S (SPA-OPS)

We reaffirm our commitment to a transition towards a sustainable open science/research ecosystem and offer reflections on the various open access models and business plans discussed in the consultation document. 

A standard for teachers' professional development

Our response to the DfE consultation outlines the Society's CPD work with teachers, and encourages support for sustained CPD throughout teachers' careers.



Representation in advance of the 18 July 2015 Budget

Our representation for the 2015 budget advocates for social science funding, highlights the role of geography, and supports the recommendations of the AcSS ‘Business of People’ report that call for real-terms increases and ring-fencing of the Science budget